What can osteopathy treat?

Find a list of aches and pains I treat below, along with what to expect from your visit.

What I treat

Osteopathy is suitable for a wide variety of aches and pains the following list includes a number of general conditions but does not cover everything, should you have a specific question about your pain that is not listed don't hesitate to get in touch.

Musculoskeletal conditions of the back and neck


Minor sports injuries

Arthritic pain


Digestion problems


Shoulder pain or frozen shoulder

Elbow pain (tennis elbow)

Headache arising from the neck

Joint pains

Hip and knee pain from osteoarthritis

General, acute & chronic backache, back pain

Generalised aches and pains

Migraine prevention

Muscle spasms

Tension and inability to relax

Your first visit

Osteopathy involves assessing and treating the body to enable your bodies own healing mechanisms to work optimally. Looking at the bodies strength, mobility, and adaptability, as well as general health and the nutrition you feed your body, all has a part to play in the healing process. Osteopathy is suitable to a broad range of individuals including people of all ages, those in pain or injured, those with chronic problems like joint arthritis, and those looking to maintain good health. Below you will find information on what to expect on your first appointment.

Case history taking

Your visit will begin with a thorough history to understand your unique symptoms, your lifestyle, and past medical history. The more information gathered here allows for a greater understanding of your pain and dysfunction. 


The examination involves palpation (the ability to feel), used on tissues to detect differences from normal, a mechanical and functional assessment of your movement, and also conventional assessment methods including blood pressure, and strength testing.


The information gathered from the case history and examination, allows for a tailor made treatment plan to be constructed. The treatment will involve a combination of movement, stretching, targeted deep tissue massage and manipulation of a person’s muscles and joints.

Suitable referral

If at any point your problem is deemed unsuitable for osteopathy, you will be informed on who to consult with next.


Visit the Contact page and send your questions to me and I will respond with as much information as possible.