Things you should do in 2024, if suffering in pain

January 10, 2024 No comments exist

Too often we miss the important factors of recovery, and reach for quick fixes. Here’s what I recommend when suffering in pain.

If you are suffering in pain there are basics you should be getting right, before spending money on gadgets, creams, or scans. Here’s a process I’d recommend you follow if suffering in pain in 2024.

1. Seek professional advice early, this will not only allow you to put worries and fears at ease, but also diagnose the issue and get started on the recovery and rehabilitation process ?‍⚕️

2. Assess where you’re at. Taking score of what you can do and what you can’t do allows you to gauge your progress over time, this might be testing pain through a certain movement, testing how much mobility you have in a certain joint, or strength of a certain limb. It’s a marker and from here you can improve ??

3. Create a plan. I’d recommend you create a plan with your medical professional that include your goals. This will help guide how the structure of your rehabilitation looks, and what you might do along the way. All the time focusing on getting you back to where you want to be ?

4. Maintain a routine. Where possible continue working, continue your hobbies, it may require you to manage the intensity or the volume, but keep doing what you can. There are very few instances where total rest is required or indicated.

If you get into trouble with some pain in 2024, don’t hesitate to reach out ?

Should you want to book a consultation with me you can do so in Neath here, or Felinfoel here.

Interested to know which health professional is best for you? I’ve written about The difference between Osteopathy & Chiropractic, find out what might suit you best.

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